Relational Algebra(关系代数)

Relational Algebra is a procedural query language, which takes relation as input and generates relation as output. Relational algebra mainly provides a theoretical foundation for relational databases and SQL.

Unary Operators (on single relation)

Projection (π)

Projection (π) retains only desired columns (vertical).

Projection corresponds to the SELECT list in SQL.

Suppose we want column A and column B from Relation R:

  (A  B  C)    
   1  2  4
   2  2  3
   3  2  3
   4  3  4

π B,C(R) will show following columns:

B  C
2  4
2  3
3  4

Selection (σ)

Selection (σ) selects a subset of rows(horizontal)

Selection corresponds to the WHERE clause in SQL.

For example, σ c>3(R) will select tuples with c more than 3.

Selection operator only selects the required tuples but doesn’t display them. For display, the projection (π) operator is used.

Renaming (ρ)

Renaming renames attributes and relations. ρ(a/b)R will rename the attribute b of the relation by a.

Binary Operators (on pairs of relations)

Union (U)

Tuples in r1 or in r2. Both relations must have the same set of attributes.

Set-difference (-)

Tuples in r1, but not in r2. Both relations must have the same set of attributes.

Cross-product (x)

Allows us to combine two relations. r1 x s1: each row of r1 paired with each row of s1.

   A                                  B
    (Name   Age  Sex )                (Id   Course)  
    ------------------                -------------
    Ram    14   M                      1     DS
    Sona   15   F                      2     DBMS
    kim    20   M
     A X B
  Name   Age   Sex   Id   Course
  Ram    14    M      1    DS
  Ram    14    M      2    DBMS
  Sona   15    F      1    DS
  Sona   15    F      2    DBMS
  Kim    20    M      1    DS
  Kim    20    M      2    DBMS

Compound Operators

common “macros” for the above

Intersection (∩)

Tuples in r1 and in r2.

Joins (⋈)

Combine relations that satisfy predicates.

Aggregation Oeraotr (γ)

Corresponds to the GROUP BY clause in SQL.